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Hot Potato Hot Potato…Mashed Banana Mashed Banana

January 12, 2011
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In the immortal words of the Wiggles “whoo wiggy wiggy wiggy, gimme that gimme that gimme that food!”

They can keep their hot potatoes and cold spaghetti, but ripe mashed banana is something I keep on hand and frozen at all times. If I flatten them out in a zip-lock bag and stack them, they take up barely any room.

Perfect for my No-atmeal, for tossing into smoothies and muffins, and what I’m using to make up some Primal Strawberry Banana Cream Pie.

I made these for the Spring Clean Challenge last year as an alternative choice and left it up to the crew to choose. The Strawberry Cheesecakey Tarty things won out, but only by one vote. I find these to be much more filling, although they are also a tad more time consuming.

Primal Strawberry Banana Cream Pie

Start with Cavegirl Pie Crust


Then for the filling:

2 ripe bananas
1 tbsp lemon juice
1-2 Vanilla pods (seeds)
3 eggs
2/3 Cup Coconut cream

  1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
  2. Beat eggs and coconut cream together.
  3. Mash bananas.
  4. Beat bananas and all ingredients except the egg (use a hand mixer, or those CrossFit guns….)
  5. Stir in egg mixture gently (feel free to add some nutmeg/cinnamon, or a little drizzle of honey if you like it sweet)
  6. Pour banana filling into pie crust.
  7. Bake for approx 30 mins, or until the filling is set
  8. When cool, decorate with sliced strawberries and jam glaze
  9. ALTERNATIVELY, add a layer of the Strawberry Cheesecake filling from my last post, THEN top with strawberries.

I’m taking one of these and one of my cheesecakes away to Hatepe with me this Friday for a friends party. All of them are “normal” Neolithic eaters, so fingers crossed it goes down well.

Hatepe at sunset. Heaven!

The challenge will be, as it was all holidays dining in other peoples homes, not to overdo it on the hors d’oeuvres. “Healthy” crackers and “fat free” whatnots. Eek!


I tell you what I’m going to whip up tomorrow;  Mark’s Primal Blinis, so I can create some tasty little smackerels of my own 🙂

Watch this space for the results….

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